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How to Make Melba Toast

Melba Toast Recipe 

Melba toast is a thin, delicate toast slice used for eating such foods as pate, terrine, or dips. While you can purchase Melba toast already made, it's easy to make at home too.

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit


  • Thinly sliced sandwich loaf, white or brown


  1. Make normal toast. Make as many slices as you think you'll need.
  2. Cut the crusts off each piece of toast.
  3. Using a very sharp knife, slice down through the soft middle part of the toast. You should do this on a non-slip surface, such as a silicone mat.
  4. Place the untoasted side of the newly created toast pieces back in the toaster (or under the grill/broiler). Toast.
  5. Serve. Cut to size as needed and serve along with terrine, pate, or dip.


  • Be very careful when slicing the toast. Keep children and pets out of the vicinity to avoid distractions or accidents.

Things You'll Need

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