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How to Make Jamaican Dumplings

Jamaican Dumplings Recipe 

This is for people who either don't know what to have for dinner or don't have that much stuff in their kitchen to make something they usually have.

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit


  • 4-6 cups of bleached flour
  • 2/8 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/4 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 4 tablespoons of margarine butter(salted)
  • 1/2 cup of cornflour (optional)
  • A coffee cup full of water (to pour into the dumpling mix)


  1. Put the pot full of water on the stove on high heat.
  2. Put the flour, salt, baking soda, butter, and cornflour in the mixing bowl and mix.
  3. Slowly add water to the flour mixture and mix with you hands squeezing the mix until it becomes dough.
    • Do not add too much water, the dough will disintegrate!
  4. Make sure the dough isn't sticky AT ALL when it's completely mixed.
  5. Put the dough on a large plate and roll into a large cylinder. (it doesn't have to be EXACTLY it but close to it.)
  6. Rip of smallish-medium sized chunks of the dough and roll it up into a ball then flatten it.
  7. Finally, when the water is to a complete boil, put the dumplings in the pot.
  8. Let it cook for 30-50 minutes or until dumplings have a yellowish center or not doughy.


  • Have your kids help with it too when making the dough. They can make shapes with it and have fun! You HAVE to serve it with butter. It will taste really bland without putting butter over the cooked dumplings. ALSO can be a BREAKFAST too!!!! take the left over dumplings and grease a skillet with margarine butter and fry it. (when its fried its called Johnny cakes. but u can also just make fresh dough and fry it too.)

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